Monday, May 12, 2014

Children learn manners from our example

Manners in a Minute
“Do as I say, not as I do.” 

The first parent who said that to a child was probably caught red-handed doing something that shouldn’t have been imitated, like drinking straight out of the milk carton instead of pouring the milk in a glass.

Children learn TWICE as much from what we do than from what we say.  In terms of manners, children are likely to forget our words unless we model manners of the heart with our actions. 

A great way to start setting an example of manners of the heart for your children is by being respectful of the people you encounter.  Resist the urge to yell at the driver who cuts you off.  Don’t forget there are “big ears” in the backseat listening to you.  Greet the grouchy grocery store cashier with a big smile.  Those little ones sitting in the cart are watching you.  Replace words of criticism of your spouse and children with words of kindness and respect. 

With time, your children will do as you say because of what you do.  

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